Uses of Natural Rubber

Some of the uses of natural rubber are as given below:

  • Natural rubber is a good water repellent.
  • This may be the most effective defence against infections like the AIDS virus (HIV). Latex is utilized in condoms, surgical and medical examination gloves for this reason.
  • Natural rubber is a great material for springs.
  • Catheters, balloons, medical tubes, elastic thread, and various adhesives all include natural rubber latex.
  • It is the only raw material utilized by the car industry, other than rayon.
  • Rubberwood is a by-product of natural rubber that is becoming increasingly important. It serves as a supply of charcoal for the local community’s cooking.
Quality Policy
  • Every contact with New Ambadi’s products, services and people will result in customer satisfaction.
  • We will identify customer needs and use continually improved processes to fulfil these.
  • We will achieve the above by continuously enhancing satisfaction of employees, shareholders, vendors and society.
  • We shall ensure compliance with business and regulatory requirements.

M/S New Ambadi Estates Pvt Ltd has set its Quality Objectives based on the experience. The Quality Management team is responsible for achieving the objectives of the company.

The objectives of the company are,

  • To increase the production 3% annually.
  • To increase the share of value-added products from one to four in 5 years.
  • Will ensure zero percentage rejection.
  • Meet quality requirements and time schedules of customers.
  • Bring down the fixed cost by 3% annually.
  • Identify and impart training to all the employees.
Customer Centric Approach
  • The company has laid down procedure to monitor customer satisfaction and find out what are their needs and expectations. The policy of the company is to encourage customers to register their complaints if dissatisfied with the product or service.  Company will treat the complaint as a compliment and an opportunity for corrective actions
  • The data related with the customer satisfaction will be analyzed and proper actions will be taken and implemented to make the unsatisfied customer to a delighted customer. The action taken is also intimated to the customer.
  • Employees at all levels are encouraged and empowered to exceed customer expectations.
  • Customer dissatisfaction will be communicated to all employees and made sure that all employees realize that customer are the most important people for the company, company depend upon customers and customer is not vice versa and they only create wealth for us.
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